Monday, October 02, 2006

Six Week Reflection

Please do a reflection on your learning in English class over the first six weeks of the semester by answering the following questions:

1. When you look back on this first six weeks in English class, are your thoughts positive or negative? Why?
2. What went well for you in English class over the past six weeks?
3. Do you feel that your reading skills improved over the past six weeks? If so, how? If not, why not?
4. Do you feel that your writing skills improved over the past six weeks? If so, how? If not, why not?
5. What was your favorite thing we did in class over the past six weeks? What was your least favorite?
6. What would make English class better for you during the next six weeks?

1 comment:

Ryan said...

1. When i look back onto the past six weeks, i feel very positive in my thoughts. The class is very fun, and i like how how i am learning quite a bit like a semi colon, i did not know what that ever was until now.

2. What i thought really well in the first six weeks in english would have to be how i learned so much, and got the oppurtunity to read good stories such as the one about the munkees. I like especially how we can all discuss books in a circle, like farenheut 451 i think that it has really helped me and my other readers understand the book more thoroughly.

3. I dont think that my reading skills have changed over the past six weeks, i am still reading the same, as last year. i know it is something that i need to work on to become a better reader. I dont know if there is much you can do to help, but i have liked getting the oppurtunity to read my book A crack in the line for a grade so i think in a way i might have been able to gain a little bit more understanding for books.

4. I know for sure that my writing skills have improved over the past six weeks. I have always been not as strong in writing than other subjects and i can see improvements.

5. i would have to say my favorite thing to do over the past six weeks would have to be reading storys in circles, it is so fun. My least favorite thing is warmups i have always disliked them in all of my classes.
6. I would have to say what would make it better is if there were more reading circles.